Pumpkin vodka (to be made at least a week ahead of time)
- 1 750ml bottle of decent vodka
- 1 cup pumpkin puree
- 1 vanilla bean
- 2 teaspoons each of the following spices:
- cinnamon
- nutmeg
- ginger
- allspice
- cloves
Remaining ingredients
- 1 pint Stonyfield Farms organic vanilla chai ice cream
- 1 cup whole milk
- 1 tablespoon caramel
- First step is to combine the vodka, pumpkin, vanilla bean, and spices and let sit in a cool, dark place for at least a week. Be sure to shake it well when you’re ready to use it. If you plan to use it in other unblended drinks you’ll probably want to strain it.
- Combine pumpkin vodka, ice cream, milk and caramel in the blender. Blend until smooth and serve in a chilled martini glass.
NOTE: As an added kick you can also try putting some cinnamon schnapps, such as
Goldschlager, or some spiced rum into the mix as well.