
Yet another fool-proof, delicious recipe from Smitten Kitchen. Rich homemade ricotta.

Venison Pork Meatballs

Dick’s go-to meatball recipe. Originally from Mauinui, he adapted it to combine ground pork into the mix and double the amount of balls.

Rhubarb curd

Rhubarb curd

This curd is delightful spread on toast, spooned onto a scone, or dolloped onto bread pudding.

Maple Chive Parsnip Cakes

Maple Chive Parsnip Cakes

A little sweet for my tastes, hence the reasoning behind only 1 teaspoon of maple syrup, but if you dig the sweet stuff feel free to add more like a tablespoon or two of syrup. I served these with Sriracha and it was the perfect complement.